
Kamis, 17 Desember 2015

Handmade Absurd Lyric!

(I found this from a bunch of my past files, i dont know why i made it, when i made it, but this is so.. lol. I laughed off)

This is the time to speak out.
I won't waiting more, time out.
The world becoming a thing which already blacked out.
My anger just increase and my patience runs out.
Seeing many things that unbelievable.
Not awesome, but i prefer say "terrible"
Narcotics sold out than pharmacies, trouble.
Kill each other is a common, we can't handle.
Our earth inflated by crimes.
Erase all the sadness, definitely everyone's aim.
They say "world's beautiful", so right now where am i?
Let's make people to be pacifism.
No matter moslems, christians, jewish, hindu, buddhist, and atheism.
Unite, against the monster.
You know that the real monsters are inside the human.

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

Just another.

Syringe, drugs, doctor and doctor, blood vessels, what again?
Want the rope to be my last thing?
I laugh hard, always say 'I am doing well'
While out there, their eyes slightly drag me to hell.
I do sorry, sorry for lived in your life, guilty human-being.
Yes, I am a troublemaker.
Like what you called me everyday
'A student with a lot of problems'
Just keep it in your mouth.
That's i am.
I destroy, i bother the teacher, as well your mood-wrecker.
Rather than blaming, would you just pulling that trigger?
Set me like your butler, throw me into the fire.
Imma born suffer, just let me be me.
Moonlight comes, i start kneeling down with these burned legs.
My mouth shivers, my hand trembles.
Tears pray, and heart just killed myself, again.

Senin, 09 November 2015

Not poetic, but depressing.

We both have stress. I know it is hard to break it up.
When you said 'life is hard'
I always tempted to ask 'compared to what?'
Such a kid, regretting every single thing you had without even thankful.
Yourself's broken, but i'm two times broken.
Hearing all your concern while i have so many people, but no to lean on.
Late up my bedtime to even read your worries
Giving you advice even though you would not hear it.
Why you won't realized until it apart.
When you proud of your life, i smile, even if i fear my own thoughts.
You have your luck, i try to smile, even if melancholy frames my eyes.
If i run away, you would run and ask 'why did you leave me behind?'
It kinda confusing.
Cause i never ask you when you leave me kneeling in the middle of the road, still enjoy your way.
Even when you bury me to the deepest part of the earth.
I would not yelling.
It makes me think, heart, just burn yourself with hatred.

Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Queen and Bohemian Rhapsody.

Daridulu best song i've ever heard gonta-ganti mulu, tapi setelah denger bohemian rhapsody, kayaknya ga bakalan ganti lagi.

Dari sekian banyak cover bohemian rhapsody, yang feelnya dapet banget cuman penyanyi aslinya.
(soalnya kan dia penyanyi aslinya, jelas dong paling dapet feelnya) beda, contohnya lagu eyes nose lipsnya taeyang,
itu kan banyak banget yang cover, dan coveran yang lainnya juga bisa didapetin feelnya, apalagi yang tablo version, jadi orang masih bisa mengemas eyes nose lips itu
dengan caranya sendiri, dan bagus.

tapi kalo bohemian rhapsody................bener bener irreplaceable.
makanya gak heran, kalau beberapa penggemar Queen itu kadang ngerasa 'gak terima' lagu bohemian rhapsody dinyanyiin sama artis lain.
Walaupun yang nyanyi such a great singer kayak Adam Lambert,
 yang bahkan satu panggung sama Queen.

Karena emang, gimana ya jelasinnya? Bohemian Rhapsody itu berasa 'sakral' banget gitu lho. Probably gabakal ada yang bisa gantiin hebatnya
suara Freddie Mercury di lagu ini, lagu mana aja sih,
Vokalnya dia kuat banget, powerful, rendahnya pas, high-notesnya juga mendobrak, ah gatau deh  jadi alay ga karuan kalo udah bahas queen, terutama bahas Bohemian Rhapsody.

Tapi ya, kita juga dilarang ngehina artis lain yang ngecover lagu Queen.
Adam Lambert covernya keren juga gitu, dihina.
5SOS cover greenday? dihina juga.
Padahal mereka covernya itu kan bagus, symbolized respect to the senior gitu,
jadi patut dihargai juga!
Kalo misalnya ada yang cover lagu bohemian rhapsody (khusus buat bohemian rhapsody ya) dan........... messed up all the whole song.

Freaknya, ada satu rapper worldwide terkenal yang cover bohemian rhapsody dan dia menjuluki dianya as 'the greatest living rock star'
a moment of silence dengernya, entahlah gaperlu marah atau gaterima karena semua tahu juga kalau freddie masih belom ada bandingannya.
Mau ketawa juga kasian, kayaknya gaperlu diketawain deh, dia engga diketawain udah bakal malu itu, jelas.
Jaman emang udah akhir ya sampe ada yang cover bohemian rhapsody dengan ANCUR TOTAL.
Nih comment yang unik, reaction orang-orang tentang 'the greatest living rock star'.

"Audience sings better" (lol i sing it better too)
"The audience who can sing better than him are paying to see his show." (rest in peace, money)
"He raped such a beautiful song"

Ada juga yang di opening videonya dikasi caution '18+ only for adult' I LAUGHED OFF.

Yaps, the rapper i meant is, Kanye West.
Jujur aja gabisa berkata-kata betapa ancurnya coverannya.

nih liat aja

telinga gue suram dengernya, tapi lucu gitu buat bahan ketawa, tapi ya kasian, tapi ya gimana ya......
kok ga mikir panjang dulu gitu lho. kok jadi bahas dia ah sumpek, lanjut.

sejauh ini, cover Bohemian Rhapsody yang menurut gue bagus adalah Adam Lambert, Jesse (The Voice Kids 2013), Panic at the disco, The Ten Tenors.
sama ada ini yang guitar cover, easy-listening gitu jadinya.

 dan ini yang paling  fav covernya, ala Panic! At the Disco.

Comments on Panic! at the Disco's cover :
"Freddie Mercury would be proud of this.  Whilst on the other hand soon he will be coming back from the grave to murder Kanye West."

"had to come hear to get my virginity back after Kanye's version."

See the difference?
Once you're successful covered 'Bohemian Rhapsody', people gonna proud of you.

bahkan pas para finalis indonesian idol pada ngumpul dan cover bohemian rhapsody, menurut gue belum bagus..... karena emang lagunya amazing.
genrenya kurang cocok, walaupun para finalis indonesian idol  mostly have a really great voice.

Gue nyesel kenapa baru dengerin bohemian rhapsody tahun ini, 2015 men.
While it released at 1970. TELAT BANGET NYESEL
padahal gue udah tau 'judulnya' doang dari lama banget, tau Queen juga udah lama.

Setiap ayah ngomongin Queen, masih ga tertarik entah kenapa. Dan sekarang, aku tertarik-tarik (?)
Video klip Queen yang pertama aku liat, dan lupa judulnya, pokok tema music videonya itu kerajaan. Gue nonton itu kelas 5 sd dan sayangnya gue belum tertarik.
Di timeline twitter juga udah beberapa kali juga berkoar dari akun wowfakta
kalo bohemian rhapsody - queen, itu salah satu video yang paling banyak ditonton sepanjang sejarah
(mungkin pas youtube belom terkenal, atau sebelum jaman-jamannya psy, nicki minaj, ariana dan kawan kawan ya, jaman lawas gitu)

Sejak saat itu udah mulai curious tapi tetep lupa terus mau nonton.
Fortunately, temen ada yang punya lagunya, yaudah minta aja, dan mulai dengerin.
Finally, i've found my best song ever :')

Gue dulu cuman tau kalo queen band legend, udah itu doang.
ternyata emang bener-bener.......... wow, wow.
pertama dengerin bohemian rhapsody dan langsung hypnotized dan brb nyari lagunya yang lain asdfghjkl
gabisa digambarin sama kata-kata ding pokoknya betapa gue tertariknya sama queen dan Bohemian Rhapsody, BUAHAHAHA.
Aku cuman 1 dari sejuta umat yang mabuk akan Queen dan Bohemian Rhapsody, kawan.
The Real Legend.
tapi kalo dibilang fans belum bisa sih, membernya aja belum apal mukanya, lagunya juga belum semua gue ada (LAGUNYA BEJIBUN)
walaupun video klipnya garing parah (kalo dulu mungkin dianggap keren) tapi karena lagu-lagunya Queen emang keren abis, jadi betah aja gue liatnya.

Bohemian Rhapsody has no chorus, instead consisting of three main parts: a ballad segment ending with a guitar solo, an operatic passage, and a heavy rock section.
dan gue belom perna nemu lagu seunik ini, gaada chorus, ada 3 parts dengan beda tema, dan dikemas dengan sangat-sangat baik #halah
Aku menikmati musiknya, liriknya yang unik, sama pembawaannya freddie yang bikin masuk ke lagunya. HALAH

...............betapa lucky nya bigbang perna foto sama brian may :')
 artis korea coy foto sama gitaris legend.
dan juga, aku ga koleksi foto queen wk ya emang mereka ga se good looking kpop idols, cuman qualitynya bujubuneng.

suddenly baper pengen nangis guling-guling liat konsernya Queen. konsernya 1981, freddie meninggalnya 1991, lah saya lahirnya 2001.

And on the final, here it comes, Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

 Tambahan, yang bikin ngakak tengah malem.
Reactionnya Hitler mungkin mewakili semua yang dengerin covernya Kanye West