
Minggu, 03 Juni 2018


So, it's been almost year since the last time I wrote something here.
Let's start with how life has taught me these months.

Tahun ini aku mulai semester 4, which is penting pentingnya dan aku mulai belajar lebih keras dan kurangin job-job kepanitiaan walaupun sebenarnya tetap bisa dibilang numpuk.

Ga dipungkiri juga, aku agak menelantarkan beberapa kewajiban (dalam konteks job job organisasi dan event ya) karena ya gimana— I'm a student with a possesive mom, gabisa terlalu bebas. Selain itu, point this, I'm a student. Jadinya apa apa nomer satu ya harus kelas wkwk.
But honestly, I'm feeling sorry about it.

I grown up a lot.
I stopped self-harming and trying to be more grateful even though life is much more f-ing.
Coba lebih memperbaiki hubungan sama Allah, lebih ridho sama apapun.
Walaupun di mata beberapa pihak tetep sama sih nganggepnya
"Udah masuk smanti, hina banget lo sekarang, ga kayak pas di sabilillah, jalannya lurus."
Ya bahasa kasarnya gitu. Ada kok yang gitu, hehe.
Udah nganggepnya kayak saya yang bebas banget, kek bandar narkoba.

But the thing is is still,
I'm bad at communicating problems and having a severe trust issues.
Open up is one of the hardest thing ever, and once I open myself to someone, I break out in tears.

Ada sih satu masalah yang terjadi di 3 bulan terakhir ini, yang mau nggak mau saya harus bilang ortu juga. Saya rasa emang itu hikmahnya wkwk, biar saya berani ngomong.
Walaupun dikit banget ngomongnya, irit.

Intinya sih, everything what happened, my life has been more blessed not because things are going right but myself learn to be more grateful.

Ya this is only an opening- let's get to know other stories in next entry.

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